Links for April

Crepuscular raus in GGP 8
I love it when I can find new places to explore on the Internet. It’s not nearly as productive as exploring in the nature or, say, doing laundry, but at least these two places are just as important. The first came to me from a friend who has children with sensory processing issues (as does Lola). If you haven’t already found it, this is a terrific resource and they have vast stores of information in their back issues.

SI Focus is an online magazine that has articles pertaining to all different kinds of issues for kids and adults who struggle with sensory integration issues. The subscription is fairly inexpensive ($25/year), and you can get a group subscription for several families together to make it even more affordable. I found myself glued to the computer while reading the first issue and am tremendously grateful to my friend Isabelle for passing along the information.

The other link I found through a group on Facebook called “40 Days of Mindfulness.” I joined them in their efforts to have each member meditate for 20 minutes a day for forty days beginning April 1. Twenty minutes indulging myself seemed pretty doable, although I will admit that, only eight days in, it has been as much of a struggle to keep my mind still as a boon, but I’m committed. After all, there are all these people I have to be accountable to! My friend Emily found herself fighting to keep from scolding herself for not living up to the 20 minutes a day and went on a hunt for a meditation around self-acceptance. Viola! She found this article. The article led me to the self-compassion website. At first glance, it appears to be a marketing tool for the author’s books, but I would encourage you to check out the information on the right side of the screen. There is a quiz you can take to see just how self-compassionate you are and exercises to download to increase your own acceptance of yourself. It may sound a little woo-woo, but I truly believe we all could use a little more appreciation for ourselves and I’m intrigued by the research being done. I highly recommend both the Huffington Post article and the site itself.

3 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    You are so welcome Kari, so many hours talking about sensory issues.

    What I really like in almost all these articles is the empowering feeling you get when you read them…yes, this is my child, yes my child is special and yes my child is beautiful, but now I understand how special my child is and how I can help him/her.

    My favorite article is "the night my daughter became a Super Hero" : "Oh, I get it, Mom, my son exclaimed. "Becca doesn't have a problem! She is just the best feeler in the family".

    Being such sensitive "feelers" requires kids, and adults too, to develop coping skills with over stimulation, and as we talked so many times Kari, most the time, they find themselves their own soothing techniques. All we have to do is guide them if they need it too, but mostly position ourself in their situation and look at the world through their eyes. We will then see a world so rich in stimulation and understand their need for quiet and peaceful time, without any request from us, just allowing them to recenter themselves.


    B. WHITTINGTON says:

    I just had my first look at your blog and enjoy what I see so though I'm off here now, I'll be back to check it out.
    Blessings Barb
    Writing: the ups and downs

    Good luck with your first book!!!


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