Tag Archive for: authors

Michelle tagged me in a meme about reading and I just couldn’t resist. I decided, though, that since my girls love to read as much or more than I do, I would see if they were interested in playing along, too.  They were.  Here are our answers to the questions Michelle crafted:

1) What is the quality in a
book that makes you want to dive in and keep turning the page? Name a book that
demonstrates this quality.
Eve – strong characters.
“Wither” by Lauren DeStefano
Lola – lots of action. “The
Wishlist” by Eion Colfer
Kari – Strong, sincere
emotion and/or a storyline that explores the human condition. “Me Who Dove
Into the Heart of the World” by Sabina Berman or anything by Mary Karr.
2) What’s the first book
you read that made you cry? Why did it make you cry?
Eve – “Speak” (by Laurie
Halse Anderson) made me cry because it seemed like something that would
actually happen and it was so sad. 
Lola – “Where the Red Fern
Grows.” Because my mom was reading it to me and she was crying.
Kari – “Charlotte’s Web” for
certain. Absolutely, because it was so easy to identify with the animals when I
read books as a child. As I got older it was more of a challenge, although I
didn’t empathize with them any less. I tend to cry very easily when I read to
this day because I get wrapped up in the story. I have cried at so many books
since then – “Where the Red Fern Grows,” “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” “Don’t
Let’s Go to the Dog’s Tonight,” (or most any sad memoir, for that matter)…
3) How has social media
impacted your reading/writing time?
Eve – I get distracted by
social media and don’t read as much as I used to.
Lola – it doesn’t impact my
reading time. (note: Lola is 10, so she doesn’t have a Facebook page and only
checks her email once every few weeks. I hope this stays true for a while).
Kari – Social media doesn’t
impact my reading time much except that I read blogs a lot, so maybe it has
increased it overall.  I am in the
lucky position of being a book reviewer for Bookpleasures.com, so I feel
obligated to read a lot ;-).  I do,
however, get derailed by social media when it comes to writing time and I often
find myself wrestling with whether or not to stop reading blogs so I can
write.  It is difficult because I
feel like reading more makes me a better writer, and when I don’t follow the
usual blogs, I worry that I’m missing important information or the writer is
wondering where I’ve gotten to. 
4) Have you ever loved a book
so much you kissed it? (Not made out with it, but offered it a sweet
kiss on it’s cover, like giving a friend a kiss on the cheek)? Yeah…me neither.
Eve – No. But if I did, it
would be “The Hunger Games.”
Lola – Yes. “Stargirl” by
Jerry Spinelli
Kari – I don’t think so, but
if I had, it would have been in my emotional-high teenage years and it probably
would have been “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” or “Are You There God? It’s Me,
5) Describe the ultimate
reading conditions for you. Where? What? When? How? Go big.
Eve – Reading a book of
fiction with a cup of hot chocolate in a local café by myself.
Lola – Reading  a paperback in front of the fireplace
with a cup of hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket.
Kari – Lying on a chaise
lounge in the sunshine near a pool with a huge cup of fizzy water by my side
and a paperback in my hand.  I
should also have a notebook and pen handy so that if inspiration strikes I can
jot something down quickly.  It
would also be nice to have someone bring me fruit to nibble on every once in a
while and adjust my umbrella so the shade covers my book.  I should be reading something painfully
true and funny like nonfiction by Anne Lamott and nobody ought to look at me
sideways when I laugh out loud. 
Also, I should have a companion who is mostly quiet but indulges me when
I need to read passages I find particularly brilliant out loud to them. 
6) True or false: (Tongue
firmly in cheek)
If you can’t be bothered to
read to them, you should not have children.
Eve – True.
Lola – True.
Kari – Mostly true, although,
in my day I have heard some parents read out loud to their children who really
ought not to. They don’t do different voices or they read in a monotone or so
quickly that the child can’t follow the story and I just don’t know how that
can be inspiring. I think it is important to introduce your children to books
and sometimes let them take the lead on how to read them (ie. Should we look at
the illustrations on this one page for twenty minutes before we are satisfied? Should
we read the story backwards and see what happens?).
7) Have you or have you not read
Daughter of the Drunk at the bar?
Kari – I didn’t put this question
to either of my girls because I know they haven’t, but I have and I loved it
and I wrote a review of it and I passed the book along to a friend. 

And now I get to make up my own questions and tag people. I’m tagging ElizabethDebAlicia, and Lyz

Here is your mission, ladies, should you choose to accept it.

1.  Are there any books you wish you had been able to read, either because they are “classics” or because someone recommended them, but you just couldn’t slog through them?
2. What kinds of books (or specific books) make you want to write more? Which ones make you feel so inadequate that you feel like you can’t ever write again?
3.  Do you and your partner read the same kinds of books? What is different about the way you read? Genre? Enjoyment? Ebook versus ‘real’ book? Purpose?
4.   What is your favorite guilty pleasure, book-wise? Did you used to devour Harlequin Romance books? Do you enjoy graphic novels that your kids leave lying around?
5.  What is your favorite picture book of all time? What is the one that you hope to never have to read again? EVER!
6.  If you could inhabit the body, mind and soul of any writer for one week, whom would you choose? No limits.
7.  If “O Magazine” were to headline your memoir in one of its issues, what would the headline read?  

Readers, if you weren’t tagged, it’s not because I don’t care about your answers to the questions, it’s just that you don’t have a blog to publish them in.  Please, use the comments field to dish on your favorite books.